The intense and complex cigar is the work of Henke
Kelner, Davidoff’s cigar visionary, who has tamed the harsh and unforgiving
swampland where others have tried and failed to grow tobacco.
The blend combines the earthiness of Yamasá with the
spice and sweetness of Nicaraguan Estelí and Condega tobaccos, according to
Charles Awad, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing & Innovation at
Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Davidoff's new Yamasa cigar range |
The site in Yamasá covers 100 hectares, but only 21 are
used, due to the complexities of growing the tobacco leaves. Henke Kelner and
his team rest the land between each harvest so as to let nature take its
course, and to help ensure that the quality of the Yamasá leaf is maintained
for years to come. They grow the tobacco in the shade, shielding it from the
harmful effects of the sun. For the curing process, new climate-controlled
curing facilities were constructed.
Described as “an intense exhilaration in taste”, the
cigar begins with a spicy Nicaraguan taste. Flavours of nut, melted with spice,
coffee, cedar wood, earth and black pepper notes further delight the palate.
The cigar has a deep and complex body that slowly reveals itself through the
aged Dominican filler tobaccos.
The intense Yamasá binder and Yamasá wrapper combine with
the sweet Nicaraguan Condega and spicy Nicaraguan Estelí filler tobaccos to
deliver an earthy-spicy-sweet experience.
The cigar comes in four formats: Petit Churchill: 48 RG x
4, 1.90 x 10.2cm; Robusto: 50 RG x 5, 2.00 x 12.7cm; Toro: 52 RG x 6, 2.06 x 15.2cm; and Piramides:
52 RG x 6 1/8, 2.06 x 15.6cm.
Davidoff has created a social media hashtag,
#SHAREYOURDREAM, so that cigar aficionados can share their personal dreams and
what they want to achieve in life. Davidoff will choose the most inspiring
dream and help make it come true. For details, visit
The new Davidoff Yamasá cigar range will be available in
matt folding packs with four cigars and in black wooden boxes with 12/14 cigars
at selected retailers in the US, and at Davidoff flagship stores worldwide
starting in late July 2016.