Davidoff Cigars has created two limited-edition Masterpiece humidors, designed by the renowned French marquetry artist Rose Saneuil.
The humidors are inspired by different aspects of time. The first makes its debut in September and is limited to only eight pieces globally.
Davidoff's Masterpiece humidor designed by French artist Rose Saneuil |
"Collaborating with artisans and artists mastering unique skills is not only a cornerstone in our innovation strategy but always a possibility for us at Davidoff to learn, get inspired and expand our creative horizons," said Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG.
In her approach, Saneuil artistically intertwines three dimensions of time: time as the ultimate luxury, a moment of serenity reflected in a sunset; the limitation of time and its easy evaporation is inspired by the image of evaporating smoke; and for the third dimension, when time seems to stand still, Davidoff has provided vintage tobacco leaves harvested in 1994 which inspired the artist to create the perfect moment. These tobacco leaves, reflecting eternity, are part of the artwork.
Following in November, the second Masterpiece humidor is designed with a shimmering effect, while the combination of darker colours of tobacco with vibrant golden hues reflects warmth. The materials incorporate gold leaves, tobacco leaves, mother-of-pearl, parchment and woods from vavona burl and sycamore trees. The body is crafted from precious Macassar woods, all treated to reflect a richer and more vibrant appearance.
Both designs will be accompanied by 50 unique cigars, exclusively blended by Davidoff's Master Blender for these humidors.