Davidoff is introducing a global release
of small batch cigars for the first time. Using rare tobacco vintages available in its tobacco
archives, the Davidoff master blenders have created 12 blends in a series of
small batches.
The blends have been created for dedicated regions of the
world, and the roller's signature on each of the small batch bundles further
confirms the exclusivity of these cigars.
Davidoff Robusto small batch cigars |
The master blenders have created a range from medium to
full-bodied multi-origin blends made of rare tobaccos from Ecuador, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and the Dominican Republic. The cigars are crafted in
the popular Toro, Robusto, Belicoso and Corona Extra formats.
To complement the traditional signature white ring standing
for the sophistication of each Davidoff cigar, a Small Batch second band
underlines its rareness. The cigars are wrapped in Kraft paper bundles
comprising five to 10 cigars. Depending on tobacco stocks and blend, the global
availability per small batch is as limited as 1,300 cigars. The roller's
signature on each bundle gives it a personal touch.
Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff
AG, said: “Introducing these one-of-a-kind small batch cigars, we are excited
to add an additional touch of exclusivity to our distinct assortment of premium
cigars. The tobaccos used are as rare as the talents that blend them. The
roller's signature on each small batch bundle further confirms our dedication
and passion. And we are confident that they will delight the few fortunate
aficionados who find them with a truly unique cigar experience.”
The cigars will be available from September 2019 at selected
Davidoff merchants in Germany, UK, Switzerland, the US and Asia.
Zino -Z- cigar case |
Zino -Z- accessories in vibrant colours
After the successful launch of Davidoff’s Zino -Z-
collection in 2018, the brand is introducing striking humidors and leather
cases for cigar care at home or on the move to complement the assortment. These
additions with vibrant accent colours aim to attract younger aficionados
seeking stylish accessories.
The Z80 humidor comes in a modern design combining a wooden
look with fresh accent colours. The result is striking blends: natural oak/red,
black oak/mint, grey oak/cyan. The humidors are equipped with the proprietary
Zino slim self-regulating humidification system that provides optimal storage
conditions for up to 80 cigars, ensuring 70-72% relative humidity.
Made of cowhide leather and lined with vibrant colours that
match the humidors, the cigar case will keep two cigars up to a 54 ring gauge
humidified for 15 days. Its ergonomic shape with adjustable length provides
comfort in the hand. These hand-made cigar cases are available in two sizes: XL-2
to fit up to a Toro format, and R-2 that fits up to a Robusto format.
From October 2019, the new Zino -Z- collection accessories
will be available at selected tobacco stores, selected Davidoff merchants,
Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 flagship stores and global travel retail
locations. Launch dates may vary depending on country.